Turkey Tail Mushroom Growing Kit
Turkey Tail Mushroom Growing Kit
This product is an exciting project for the whole family, or the classroom.
Can grow mushrooms for 6+ years with a single kit.
Turkey Tail mushrooms are one the most colorful mushrooms you will find in nature
Displaying a pallet of different colors of blue, green, rust, brown etc. They grow everywhere on branches and stumps, and grow very well in terrariums and vivarriumsor in the garden.
heir uses are mainly medicinal and decorative they can have great beauty. They dry easily to become leathery tough, I have seen them used in making jewelry and floral arrangements. They also can be used to make blue and green dyes for wool and other fabrics.
The mushroom habitat kit consist of everything the customer needs to grow these mushrooms on a natural hardwood log, except the log!. We provide Plug Spawn (spores) Sealing wax, Instructions, Information Booklet on the mushroom, and a turkey tail tea recipe card.